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How to Study for the NCLEX?

minute read Updated August 1st, 2023
Nursing School Book

Studying for the NCLEX

A few questions students may ask themselves are “How do I study for the NCLEX”, “How many questions a day do I do for the NCLEX”, and “Ways to study for their NCLEX”. I am going to answer those questions with simple answers based on my own personal experience. In order to start studying for the NCLEX, you need to know your form of learning to choose the proper resources and ways to study.

How should I be studying for the NCLEX?

You should choose to study a specific topic each day. This allows you to use multiple different forms of studying that work for you. If you are a visual learner, reading and taking practice questions might be the best option. If you are an auditory learner, watching videos and taking practice questions might be the best for you. It is important though to ensure you have religion in your studying.

Studying could include: Rewriting notes in your own words, reading the textbooks, taking practice questions daily, watching videos, listening to podcasts, and taking practice NCLEX exams.

People tend to have more than just one form of learning style but it is important to choose yours. Just because someone else practiced 200 UWorld questions a day and passed in 75 questions, does not mean you will. I am personally not an auditory learner, so videos and podcasts did not stick with me. They were a waste of my precious study time. Make sure that your study materials work with your learning style.

For visual learners: Flashcards, Watching videos with visuals, reading the textbooks, and taking practice questions might be the best for you.

For auditory learners: Podcasts, watching videos with good explanations, listening to classical music while studying, and explaining topics to someone else may help your learning.

For kinetic learners (hands-on): Practice exams, practice questions, rewrite notes, explaining topics to someone else, and hands-on learning is best for studying.

How Many Questions a Day Should I Practice for the NCLEX?

I found that doing 75 questions a day for two weeks, then doing 150 to 200 questions a day a week before the NCLEX was perfect for me. I had to first learn how to answer the NCLEX-style questions, then I amped up the number of questions that I took right before the exam.

Some students find that studying the rationals of the missed questions is a great way for them to study. This just means that you are studying your weak points and adding to your knowledge.

For two weeks: 75 questions daily

The week before NCLEX: 150 - 200 questions a day

What if I cannot afford expensive NCLEX Programs?

There are a lot of great resources for the NCLEX that are free. Including the notes and slides you already paid for in nursing school. The NCLEX is testing you on material that is already taught in nursing school. You can pair your existing textbooks and notes with the cheaper NCLEX programs such as the cheap plan. Mark k lectures are also available, especially if you are an auditory learner.

But if you are able to afford any plans at all, the NCLEX prep programs are absolutely amazing.

How to Study for the NCLEX

Studying for the NCLEX can be very overwhelming. Building a good study schedule, gathering resources to study, and finding your learning style will be the best way to pass that exam. I hope I answered some questions on, “how to study for the NCLEX” and “how many questions a day should you do for the NCLEX”. Try to find some good nursing study guides and nursing notes to prepare you for your exam!

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