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9 Tips on How to Pass NCLEX Exams After Failing

minute read July 24th, 2023
Pass the NCLEX

How to Pass the NCLEX

You were already contemplating the moment they gave you your license. The sweet moment you land your first RN role and move to the city of your dreams. Unfortunately, you open mail to find poor results in your NCLEX. 

What next? 

Failing your NCLEX can set you back on your pursuit to become a nurse. Being hard on yourself can make it harder to focus on your goal. You could use all the study help available to ace the test on your second, third, or tenth try.  

Below is how to pass the NCLEX after failing. Read below to see tips and tricks to success.  

How many times can I take the NCLEX exams?

You can take the NCLEX eight times a year in many states. However, too many failures will require you to do a refresher course before retaking the exam. Work with a professional tutor to ace the exam without taking too many trials. 

Check your state rules on nursing and make a plan for it. Usually, you have 45 days to retake the exam after a failure. However, it costs a minimum of $275 to retake the exam. That should be your motivation to thoroughly study for the NCLEX exam.   

Possible reasons you failed the first time.

It is good to look back at possible reasons you failed the exam. That allows you to prepare adequately to avoid the same mistakes. Here are some reasons that led to failing your NCLEX exams. 

Anxiety. You may have been anxious before the exam. Knowing that the exam is the wall between you and your dream career can heighten performance anxiety. Taking a moment can clear your head to help you write your exams. The NCLEX is a career-defining moment. Anyone can feel the pressure to do the exemplary. 

The test was Difficult. Sometimes people underestimate the test. Most first-time students may have a hard time with the test questions. The exam will surprise and challenge you. If the test was difficult, you can prepare adequately for the next one by studying. 

You did not learn the concepts. The test evaluates whether you can handle nursing duties and make the right decisions as a caregiver. Most people that cram information may have a hard time with the test as it tests the application of the concepts taught. 

You did not get enough rest. Some students study through the night and forget that rest is important before a big event. Rest helps your brain retain information. Also, lack of sleep can heighten your anxiety. Getting a good amount of sleep helps you focus on the task ahead. 

• Passing the NCLEX requires applying logic and critical thinking skills to solve problems. While you may cram information, critical thinking will garner you points. Your approach to answering questions will determine your success. 

How to Prepare to Pass the NCLEX Exams After Failing.

While you can retake the exam several times, it would be good to take it as few times as possible. Preparation is the key to getting it right on the first or second try. If this is not your first or second, do not worry. There is hope. Below are some things you can do to ensure you pass the NCLEX exams after failing. 

1. Acknowledge failure.

First, accept that you did not pass the test. Accepting failure helps you look at things you should have done differently. Embracing your failure can help you move forward. 

Come to terms with what happened that made you fail. 

2. Create a Study Plan

Create a detailed study plan to prepare for the NCLEX. Studying ensures that you leave nothing to chance. One of the approaches is to find study guides for NCLEX. They help you master areas tested in the exam. 

A study plan can help you utilize the little time you have to prepare for the test. Remember 45 days is not enough time to prepare for such a test while you juggle work and life. A study plan helps you make the best use of time. 

3. Find a Tutor

Online tutoring is a great option when studying alone is overwhelming. You could use all the help you can get to understand the content. Using a tutor can help you internalize the content and acquire knowledge. You already tried cramming and failed. A tutor has helped dozens of people through the same, and they can help you too. 

4. Gather Study Materials.

Get the latest study materials that will help you complete the exam. Having the right notes can help you feel confident. It will also help you avoid distractions as you utilize the little time you have to retake the exam. 

Find websites that offer learning notes, flashcards, and other materials to help you prepare for the exam. 

5. Take an NCLEX prep course.

While you may have no time for more classes, an NCLEX prep course may be your best shot. A prep course allows you to master the concepts for the exam before the exam day. It may take a few weeks of classes, but it is worthwhile. 

Consider a prep course to increase your chances of acing your NCLEX. 

6. Study group

Find other people preparing for their NCLEX and form a study group. I a group of peers to help you prepare and study. You can create study groups by reaching out on student forums.

7. Take a break.

Take a break from school and study when you get overwhelmed. Sometimes a break can help you focus and give it your all. Rushing to schedule the retake exam will only put you under more stress. After all, you have many more tries left. 

8. Practice

Practice answering the NCLEX questions before the test. Student hubs online have plenty of questions that you can use for practice. Use resources from the library, like old papers. They will guide you on how to pass the NCLEX after failing. 

Understand NCLEX questions and how to answer them. Now that you have experience taking the real exam, use it to your advantage. Find answers and compare them to what you did on the first trial. 

9. Don’t give up.

Many people want to give up after failing their NCLEX. Yet, nursing is a rewarding career. Give it your best shot, and it will prove worthwhile. Many people take NCLEX more than once. Giving up means you lose out on all the years you spent in nursing school. 

Closing Thoughts

You can take the NCLEX over and over again after failing. Failing is never the end. Preparing well for the next one can lead you to sweet success. Our guide will walk you through each step after receiving that email to schedule the retake exam.

Get help if you are having trouble understanding the NCLEX- RN. Follow the tips above and ace your test with your second try. 


How much does it cost to take the NCLEX exam?

It will cost you $200 to pay for the NCLEX- RN. You also have to pay $75 for the reapplication fee. Anyone taking the exam outside the US pays an extra $150. There are other additional charges you may incur like $7.5 to process your results quickly. 


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