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The Ultimate Nursing School Blog

minute read June 29th, 2022
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Nurse Blog

Welcome to!

Hi, my name is Xena Allen and I created my site to help nursing students succeed. Nurse assistants, nursing students, and nurses are all welcome.

Tips for Nursing School

I plan on creating tips for nursing school along with reviews, guides, and articles related to the nursing world. Some information can be quite difficult to come by such as the process for getting into nursing school, how to navigate through nursing school, and how to do the graduation process. My goal is to create the ultimate nursing school blog that can help future students navigate the nursing school process.

Check out my nursing blog articles:

Nursing School Notes

My goal is to create nursing school notes, study guides, and blog articles to help nursing students for school and their exams. There are numerous resources available to students, however many of them are moving further away from real learning. Materials are flooded with too many fonts, colors, and mnemonics, which makes it difficult to learn.

I would like to help solve that problem by creating comprehensive content that is easy to learn from. A huge problem with nursing education is the heavy focus on memorization instead of learning. I struggled throughout school trying to find information in resources that were easy to understand.

Follow me on my social media platforms to see my new content and to keep in touch. You can message me on those platforms for questions and content ideas. Thank you so much for coming to my site and welcome to!

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