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Different Types of Outpatient Nursing Jobs

minute read Updated August 1st, 2023
Doctors Office

There are several outpatient nursing opportunities to work jobs other than working in the hospital. Working in the hospital gives nurses great experience to build their skills, but it can also cause a lot of stress and burnout. Schedules are also usually long 12-hour shifts with no breaks. Working in an outpatient setting can reduce your stress, give you a better schedule and reduce the feeling of burnout. Listed below are several different jobs that's you can work other than working in a hospital setting.

Outpatient Nursing Jobs:

1) Nurse Injector

Nurse injectors are nurses that typically work at medical spas and dermatology settings. Their jobs include injections, fillers, lasers, and other cosmetic procedures to help their patients. nurse injectors typically receive additional education through courses, seminars, and hands-on education. Nurse injector jobs can be difficult to get into and you may need to know someone to get in.

According to, the average annual salary of a nurse injector is about $92,921

2) Infusion Nurse

Infusion nurses are nurses that specialize in giving IV fluids, vitamins, and medications. This job can be fun especially if you really like handling IVs and medications. there Are various settings for working as an infusion nurse such as mobile infusion nursing where you drive to people's homes. You can also work in a clinic setting as an infusion nurse.

According to, the average annual salary of an infusion nurse is about $82,868 

3) Nurse Educator

Nurse educators are nurses that work in an educational setting in community colleges and universities to teach students how to be nurses. Nurse educators need an additional degree, an MSN in Nursing Education. These nurses have a less stressful environment versus a hospital and have better schedules. If you want to help inspire other students to get into education, this could be the job for you.

According to, the annual average salary for a nurse educator is $78,967

4) Jail Nurse

Correctional nurses can work in jails and prisons. These nurses have less stressful jobs versus a hospital and sometimes can have higher pay than a hospital. they have easier schedules to work with as well. Nurses that work in jail actually report being happy with their careers and usually have no complaints about inmates, as they show their aggression towards officers and not the nurses.

According to, the median salary for correctional nurses is about  $61,065 

5) Home Health & Hospice Nurse

Hospice and home health nursing is a very rewarding job. These nurses must be able to deal with grief and sadness as they work with patients that are homebound or on end-of-life care. These nurses typically have a set amount of clients they see every day in their homes, instead of having a staffing crisis in a hospital. These nurses report being happier with their lives and having easier schedules.

According to, the average annual salary for a hospice nurse is $80,207

6) Clinic Nurse

Clinic nurses can work in a variety of clinic settings such as urgent care, woman's health clinics, planned parenthood, and medical offices. Nurses that work in these offices have a low-stress work life and easy schedules for the day. Clinic nurses usually get weekends and holidays off which is an added bonus to working in a clinic or medical office building.

According to, the average annual salary for a clinic nurse is $51,077

7) Public Health Nurse

Public health nurses are also called community health nurses. They work to help advocate for the community, work in poor communities, and work in education. Public health nurses can work at clinics or travel to clients' homes. Clinic nurses work in a lower-stress environment and can have easier schedules versus a hospital setting.

According to, the average annual salary for a public health nurse is $63,337

8) Cruise Ship Nurse

Cruise ship nurses usually have experience and work on a cruise line. These nurses get to enjoy the life of a cruise on their day off and have a low-stress work life. their schedules are a little bit closer to a hospital's schedules, but they are on a cruise enjoying life on a boat.

According to, the average annual salary for a cruise ship nurse is $80,696

9) School Nurse

A school nurse can work at a variety of schools. Their job mainly consists of sick kids and ice packs but can include more in-depth medications. From diabetic kids to kids with tubes and drains. School nurses must be able to manage those situations and know when it is appropriate to send a kid back to class, home, or even call a hospital. School nurses get to enjoy weekends and holidays as well as school breaks. they have a low-stress work life and great schedules.

According to, the average salary of a school nurse is $53,742

10) Breastfeeding Counselor & Lactation Consultant

There is a difference between a lactation counselor and a lactation consultant. One has a simple certificate and one has to sit for boards to get certified as a specialist in breastfeeding and lactation. If you like breastfeeding and dedicate your education to it, you could have a good life as a lactation consultant. They can have a low stress work life and great schedules.

According to, the average salary for a lactation consultant is $88,946

if you are interested in working in a low stress job with a great schedule, consider working in an outpatient setting. If you want to learn how to become a registered nurse check out my article. Even though it may seem like you do not get to use a lot of your nursing skills, sometimes your mental health and family are more important. Remember that you are still a nurse even when working in an outpatient nursing setting and that you are still changing the lives of those around you.

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